Saffron Walden Market was voted the Best Small Outdoor Market 2018. It sells fresh fruit and vegetables, olives, flowers, bread, furniture, plants, coffee, fish, has food vans and loads more!
Click below to see the information you need:
The Market Team:
Saffron Walden – Certificate – Highly Commemded Market Team
Alongside the experienced Market Manager Terry, there is an Operations Team. Claire is the Bookings Officer, who deals with initial enquiries, the booking of pitches, supporting documentation, H & S requirements. Claire keeps insurance records and keeps traders updated with changing information & guidance. She keeps the market files up to date, and produces publicity for press and social media.
Dave, Keith, Carl and others share Market Duties shifts, keeping the market place free from litter, cleaning the area, attending to road closing and opening, and rubbish bins. The Market Team between them oversee the market from start to finish and importantly, maintain a good relationship with the traders.
The wider Town Council Team also support the Market, in particular the Tourist Information Centre, which encourages social media promotion of the market, sharing traders’ posts and regularly creating new posts. It also checks the presence of the market online – for example recently, it contacted Trip Advisor to merge two duplicate sets of market information into one.
The market goes from strength to strength – footfall continues to grow and it has a busy, buzzy – but safe – feel to it. This is no small part due to the efforts of the entire market team.
Saffron Walden Town Council is the Market authority for the town by virtue of the Charter granted to the town in 1141. The Council’s market rights were reaffirmed by Statutory Instrument no. 1123 of 1979.
A market is usually held in the extremely attractive Market Place every Tuesday and Saturday (except for Bank Holidays) throughout the year. A special late night shopping market is held on a Friday in December, and a number of differently themed markets take place throughout the year, Italian and French are some examples. It is a very versatile market offering a wide variety of goods. More details of what is on offer at the market can be seen at
Charges for the market are based on the size of a trader’s stall. For charges please email
There is a waiting list for stalls on the market. If you wish to add your name to the waiting list please apply, giving your name, address, type of goods to be sold, and days on which you wish to trade, in writing to:
Saffron Walden Town Council
The Town Hall, Market Place
Saffron Walden
CB10 1HR
Tel: 01799 516501
‘I just wanted to give some feedback if that is okay from our recent bookings with you. Both our representatives had nothing but amazing things to say about Saffron Walden Market! They both said that the market was incredibly well organised, they felt that it is one of the most professional markets they have ever been to, they felt that everyone who attended had a lot of empathy for their charities and they would both love to come back’.
Saffron Walden is proud to have been featured in ‘The Market Times’ where Saffron Walden was described as a popular and sought-after town to live where the market gives it its character and identity. The Tuesday market is traditional for locals and Saturday is the busy cosmopolitan market day. The food on offer is the market’s greatest strength which includes stalls selling cheese, fruit and vegetables, olives, breads, eggs, whole foods, fish and a Spanish food stall. Flowers and country collectibles also feature.
Please see list below of current traders:
Tuesday Traders:
Borough olives
Brown Bread – bread, cakes and pastries
Coffee Caddy Co – tea and coffee to take away
Crystal Waters traditional fishmongers and smokery / 07711 170140
Fruit and veg stall
Granary Store Pet Supplies
Hats, gloves, socks & scarves, novelty plaques stall
Hunts Fabrics
telephone 07779 009573
JLS watches
Watches, clocks, repairs, batteries, straps
Ladies Italian Clothing – also on Etsy
Lightly fruit and vegetables
Mystic Moon – Crystals and incense or 07522788188
Quite Nice Clothes – Ladies Fashion specialising in Cashmere
Richer Spirits Ltd – Gin & Rum (once a month)
Saffron Walden Coffee Company Ltd – specialist coffee beans and ground coffee
Saffron Wholefoods
Slippers, shoes & boots Stall
Sutton View Nursery – outdoor plants
email or telephone 07966 297482
Tambas prints & Jewellery
The Condiment Cupboard
Vacuum Cleaner spares and reconditioned
07774 783950
Saturday Traders:
Borough olives
Brown Bread – bread, cakes and pastries
Coffee Caddy Co – tea and coffee to take away
Crystal Waters traditional fishmongers and smokery
Fruit and Veg Stall
Giggly pig –
Granary Store Pet Supplies
Hats, gloves, socks & scarves, novelty plaques stall
JLS watches
Watches, clocks, repairs, batteries, straps
Lightly fruit and vegetables
Ladies Fashion
07836272666 or
Facebook Bryson ’s boutique
Quite Nice Clothes – Ladies Fashion specialising in Cashmere
Richer Spirits Ltd – Gin & Rum (once a month)
Saffron Walden Coffee Company Ltd – specialist coffee beans & ground coffee
Saffron Grange wines
Saffron Wholefoods
01799 526453
Secret Wines
Slippers, shoes & boots Stall
Sutton View Nursery – outdoor plants
email or telephone 07966 297482
Tambas prints & Jewellery
The Condiment Cupboard
Totally Cultured – Fermented sauerkraut; kefirs at the Saturday market
can also be found on
Uppingham & Saffron Walden Flowers – Fresh cut flowers
email or telephone 07662 016634
Jamie Oliver, who is a big supporter of local markets and market shopping, lives locally and patronises a number of the food stalls on this outstanding market.
Trading Information
Market Traders
Market Traders wishing to join the market can contact the Market Manager operating the Tuesday and Saturday market days on 01799 516501 (Monday to Friday 09.30 to 16.00).
Traders should be aware that it is a requirement that they have Public Liability Insurance in force before they attend the market to trade. If you do not have proof of such insurance you cannot trade. In the interests of all existing traders Saffron Walden Town Council operates a policy of not promoting the duplication of products being offered by stalls but the Market Manager will be able to advise you in individual cases. The standard rate for contracted trading at Saffron Walden with your own stall is highly competitive. Contracted trader incentives include security of pitch position, time off for and sickness. Casual traders subject to prior booking and availability are welcome to take advantage of the short-term incentives being offered to encourage new sellers.
A list of frequently asked questions relating to trading at our regular Tuesday and Saturday Market can be found here