Uttlesford Local Plan

Consultation events

The series of public events to support residents who would like to know more about the draft Uttlesford Local Plan consultation and how they can take part, start next week.

The drop-in session will give people the opportunity to ask Uttlesford District Council’s planning policy team any questions they have about the plan. The team will also be able to assist anyone who would like to submit a representation.

The events are on:

How to make a representation

You can now make a comment on the latest version of a draft local plan for the district which will guide where homes and employment sites will go, as well as the infrastructure that is needed to support it.

You can give views on its legal compliance and what is referred to as the ‘soundness’ of the plan – this relates to whether it meets the requirements set out in national policy, guidance and legislation.

The quickest and easiest way to read the draft plan and to provide feedback is via the website: www.uttlesford.gov.uk/new-local-plan.

The consultation closes Thursday 3 October.