Local Council Tax Support from Uttlesford District Council – invitation to take part

Uttlesford District Council are inviting you to take part in their proposed LCTS scheme for 2025/26. The consultation opened Monday, 16 September and runs until 5pm on Monday, 28 October 2024.

About Local Council Tax Support

Councils run a scheme called Local Council Tax Support (LCTS). It was introduced in 2013 to replace the national Council Tax Benefit reduction scheme which forms part of a wider government reform of the welfare system and is designed to help the most vulnerable.

The scheme was originally 90% funded for all preceptors by central government, via a grant to UDC. This grant is no longer paid so, the cost of the LCTS scheme is borne by each Council Tax preceptor (Essex County Council, Uttlesford District Council, town and parish councils, Essex Police & Fire) pro-rata to their Council Tax receipts.

The 2025/26 LCTS scheme

The District Council has some discretion when setting the LCTS scheme.

For 2025/26 they are proposing to maintain the scheme on the same basis as this year (2024/25). This means that they will:

  • keep the contribution rate at 12.5%
  • continue to protect pensioners, vulnerable and disabled residents and their carer’s on a low income

Full published details of the proposed LCTS scheme for 2025/26 is on their Committee portal.

Give us your views

You can now give us your views on the proposals.


The easiest way to do this is by filling in our short online LCTS survey.

Comment now

By email

You are also welcome to email any comments to: consultation@uttlesford.gov.uk

By post

For people who do not have access to the internet, we’ll be making paper copies of the questionnaire available. You can request a paper copy by calling 01799 510510.

Closing date

UDC will accept emails, completed online and paper forms up to and including 5pm on Monday, 28 October 2024.

After you have responded

UDC will put together a report of all the consultation responses they receive – this will be presented to District Councillors in the Autumn. Councillors will then agree the final scheme for 2025/26 by the end of the year.


Any questions

Find out more on UDC’s website: Council Tax support scheme for 2025/26