The service is at 10.30 am and will last approximately one hour. Coffee and tea will be available in the hall from 10 am.*
We are expecting a large number of visitors and the church will be full. If you are able, please be prepared to sit upstairs if necessary. Stewards with purple sashes can help with any queries.
There are no special arrangements for children during the service, but we will be providing an activity bag. Parents are welcome to take their children into the hall at any time during the service if they wish.
Parking is scarce around the church, CB11 3HD. The nearest parking sites (all payable) are:
London Rd Council Offices (left on the road from Newport into Saffron Walden)
Waitrose multistorey carpark (one way system from bottom of High St to Audley Rd)
Swan Meadow carpark (left off bottom of High St or right off Windmill Hill)
After the service, coffee and tea will also be available (no hot drinks at Pinkneys). *Part of the recent Heritage Exhibition will be available to view in the upstairs hall (lift available).
It would be a good idea to visit the facilities before leaving for Pinkneys, although there will be two portaloos provided. There is a toilet in the main church entrance and two unisex toilets and a disabled toilet in the lower hall.
Lunch at Pinkneys is an al fresco Hog Roast, which will start at about 1 pm. The vegetarian/vegan option is ratatouille. There will be salads and sweets. Soft drinks will be available, but if it is a hot day you might like to bring your own preferred soft drinks too. If children have favourite drinks or snacks, bring them along.
It would be a good idea to bring folding chairs or a rug if you can.
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If you require the vegetarian/vegan option, please reply to with the subject line Food choice and say if you would like the vegetarian option (ratatouille) – there will be no option of a last minute choice on the day.