We have two speakers, Mark Newton and Steve Hasler.
Mark is an Associate Director and a Licenced Insolvency Practitioner with over 30 years’ experience advising SME’s, mid-tier firms, and larger corporates on administrations, solvent and insolvent liquidations. His talk will provide a very brief history of how our ancestors historically dealt with debt and the not so pleasant remedies used over the ages! He will also cover how they now deal with insolvency specifically relating to business and the options available to the various stakeholders.
Steve is a Trustee of the King Edward VI & The Revd Joseph Prime Almshouse Charity ( Saffron Walden Almshouses) and will be updating us about their building project. Some of you will recall that we had a presentation about this in January 2023 and so it will be interesting to see how things have progressed.
Please confirm whether you can attend before close of business on Friday 14 June. As always guests are very welcome.
DE agreed to attend.